Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Automatic RAC & DB Provisioning and Deployment Using OEM 11g (Part 3)

Part 3-  Deploy the images on the newly acquired hosts

Continued from part II...

Since now that we have gold images of the existing Grid Infrastructure and RDBMS Home binaries, Its the time to deploy them on the new hosts.

Deployment Targets - drracnode2, drracnode3
OS - RHEL5.5 32 bit

These two servers are having same OS (including patch level) as the source of images.
Network and pre-requisite checks are already done and successfully passed.
(It will be a good idea to test the pre-requisites before start of the deployment procedure as it will save some last minute surprises and avoid any redoing of fixes)

Login to your OEM Console and click [Deployment] tab

Click on [Deployment Procedures] link at bottom left of the screen

Select the provisioning profile you created in Part II

click on [Schedule Deployment] button

Since we are deploying Admin Manged RAC with ASM storage, select the first option. If otherwise, review the options and select the most appropriate one
Since we have profiles uploaded to Software Library select the option and click on [Search] Icon

Select the Grid deployment component

Select the RAC deployment component
Add the hosts on which the deployment procedure needs to run
Enter host credentials (as owner of Oracle Homes) and respective groups

Enter home directories to host the binaries as follows

Enter cluster configuration details along with VIP and interface config ingo.

If you are planning to create database post deployment choose the option accordingly
Select ASM option to configure ASM as storage type

Click on [Add Disk Group]

Enter search string as follows and click search. Once found the enter the Disk group name and Redundancy type
Enter OCR/VD path along with ASM password
Review all the information you entered before submitting the Job. 
Alternatively you can also choose to run [Prerequisites only]

Once you click on [Finish], the Job will be submitted and deployment will start. You can follow the status of the steps as follows. 

If any steps in the deployment procedure fails, one can review/resubmit/ignore if necessary.
In this case certain prerequisite checks failed, but I ignored them as I am well aware of those. 

Once the deployment is completed, you can review the hosts to check HAS stack and status of resources running on cluster. 
Once also need to check the inventory and patch levels to make sure deployment is as per the requirement.

I hope this series will help you to automate some of your deployment tasks. There are certain other out of the box deployment procedures which I will discuss as the time and opportunity permits

Happy Learning !

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